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Things and Words That Start With A: 250+ Examples

For those interested in expanding their vocabulary, we present an in-depth look at words beginning with the letter “A”. This guide is designed to appeal to language enthusiasts, kindergarten kids (or parents helping their child learn the right vocab), writers seeking inspiration, or anyone with a curiosity about English. Organized into categories such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives, it offers a wide range of words to enhance your language skills and appreciation. Whether you’re looking for simple or complex terms, short or long, this blog post serves as your comprehensive resource for exploring and understanding words that start with “A”.

Things and Words That Start With A

Length of Words – Shortest to Longest Words

In this section, we present words starting from the shortest to the longest, offering a unique glimpse into the versatile usage of “A” as an initial letter. This can be particularly useful for word game enthusiasts and those looking to expand their vocabulary strategically.

Table: Words from Shortest to Longest

Word Length Word Definition
1 A Used as an article.
2 An Used before vowels as an indefinite article.
3 Ant A small insect typically living in a colony.
4 Ally To unite or form a connection or alliance.
5 Aroma A distinctive and pleasant smell.
6 Astral Relating to the stars.
7 Amateur Engaging or engaged in without professional skill.
8 Anecdote A short amusing or interesting story.
9 Artificial Made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally.
10 Appreciation Recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something.

Beginner to Advanced – Simple to Difficult Words

This list progresses from simpler, more commonly used words to those that are more complex and less frequently encountered in everyday language. This progression is designed to cater to learners at different stages of language proficiency.

Table: Words from Simple to Difficult

Complexity Level Word Definition
Beginner Apple A fruit with red, yellow, or green skin and a sweet to tart taste.
Basic Act Take action; do something.
Moderate Adept Very skilled or proficient at something.
Advanced Aberration A departure from what is normal or expected, typically one that is unwelcome.
Expert Abolitionist A person who favors the abolition of a practice or institution, especially capital punishment or (formerly) slavery.


Categorization of Words Starting with A

In this part, we’ll explore the grammatical types of words that start with “A”. By dividing words into nouns, verbs, and adjectives, we create a clear framework that helps with understanding and using grammar effectively.

Nouns That Start with A

Nouns are the names of persons, places, things, or ideas. Here, we explore some common and unique nouns that start with “A”.

Table: Nouns Starting with A
Noun Definition Example Sentence
Apple A fruit with red, yellow, or green skin She picked an apple from the tree.
Automobile A road vehicle, typically with four wheels, powered by an internal combustion engine or electric motor He bought a new automobile last week.
Antenna A rod, wire, or other device used to transmit or receive radio or television signals The old television has a broken antenna.
Account A report or description of an event or experience She gave an accurate account of the incident.
Anchor A heavy object used to moor a ship to the sea bottom The ship dropped its anchor in the bay.
Artist A person who creates art, especially paintings or drawings The gallery featured several works by local artists.
Agenda A list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting The committee set the agenda for the next meeting.
Ally A state formally cooperating with another for a military or other purpose The country acted as an ally in the war.
Award A prize or other mark of recognition given in honor of an achievement She received an award for her scientific contributions.
Avenue A broad road in a town or city They strolled down the sunny avenue.

Verbs That Start with A

Verbs are words that describe an action, state, or occurrence. Here are some verbs beginning with “A”.

Table: Verbs Starting with A
Verb Definition Example Sentence
Answer Say something in response to a question or remark He answered the question confidently.
Advise Offer suggestions about the best course of action to someone She advised him to be cautious.
Attach Fasten; join. Attach the file to the email before sending.
Arrange Put things in a neat, attractive, or required order Arrange the books on the shelf by genre.
Ascend Go up or climb They ascended the mountain before dawn.
Acknowledge Accept or admit the existence or truth of He acknowledged that the task was difficult.
Allocate Distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose Allocate funds for the new project.
Amuse Cause (someone) to find something funny The clown amused the children at the party.
Analyze Examine methodically and in detail the constitution or structure of (something, especially information) Analyze the data thoroughly before making a conclusion.
Assert State a fact or belief confidently and forcefully She asserted her independence early in life.

Adjectives/Describing Words That Start with A

Adjectives describe, identify, or further define nouns and pronouns. Here are some descriptive words starting with “A”.

Table: Adjectives Starting with A
Adjective Definition Example Sentence
Angry Feeling or showing strong annoyance, displeasure, or hostility He was angry about the unfair decision.
Ample Enough or more than enough; plentiful There is ample space for everyone here.
Ancient Belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence The museum houses ancient artifacts.
Agile Able to move quickly and easily The athlete is remarkably agile.
Adorable Inspiring great affection; delightful The baby’s smile is absolutely adorable.
Accurate Correct in all details; exact The details in the report are accurate.
Avid Having or showing a keen interest in or enthusiasm for something She is an avid reader of mystery novels.
Awkward Causing or feeling embarrassment or inconvenience The silence that followed was awkward.
Aromatic Having a strong and pleasant smell The kitchen was filled with aromatic herbs.
Austere Severe or strict in manner, attitude, or appearance The judge was known for his austere demeanor.

Section 3: Words by Length Starting with A

In this section, we explore words based on their length, starting from 2-letter words to 5-letter words. This categorization helps in understanding the brevity and simplicity versus the complexity and specificity that additional letters can provide to words.

2-Letter Words That Start with A

Table: 2-Letter Words Starting with A
Word Definition Usage in Sentence
Am First person singular of “be” I am happy.
An Used before vowels as an article An apple was on the table.
As To the same degree or amount As fast as possible.
At In or to a position within At the corner, turn left.
Aw Expressing mild protest or dismay Aw, that’s unfortunate!
Ax Tool used for chopping He swung the ax.
Ay An affirmative vote or assent Ay, I agree with you.
Ad Short for advertisement Check out this ad!

3-Letter Words That Start with A

Table: 3-Letter Words Starting with A
Word Definition Usage in Sentence
Ant A small insect typically living in a colony The ant carried the leaf.
Any Used to refer to one or some of a thing Any person could see it was wrong.
Are Second person singular or plural of “be” Are you coming?
Awe A feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder She gazed in awe at the stars.
Act Take action; do something Act now before it’s too late.
Add Join (something) to something else Add the numbers together.
Aid Help, assist, or support Aid those in need.
Aim Point or direct at a target Aim the dart at the board.
Ale A type of beer He ordered an ale at the pub.
Apt Appropriate or suitable in the circumstances An apt description of the situation.

4-Letter Words That Start with A

Table: 4-Letter Words Starting with A
Word Definition Usage in Sentence
Arch A curved symmetrical structure The arch was beautifully decorated.
Area A region or part of a town, a country, or the world They live in a rural area.
Army An organized military force The army was ready for battle.
Ally Combine or unite a resource or commodity with (another) for mutual benefit They decided to ally their efforts.
Aged Having lived for a long time; no longer young The aged man walked slowly.
Also In addition She is smart and also very kind.
Apex The top or highest part of something The mountain’s apex was covered in snow.
Acid A substance with particular chemical properties Lemon juice is known for its acid content.
Avid Having an enthusiastic interest in something He is an avid fan of soccer.
Awed Filled with awe They were awed by the spectacular display.

5-Letter Words That Start with A

Table: 5-Letter Words Starting with A
Word Definition Usage in Sentence
Alert Quick to notice any unusual and potentially dangerous or difficult circumstances Stay alert while walking alone at night.
Ample Enough or more than enough; plentiful The room has ample space for another desk.
Apply Make a formal application or request She decided to apply for the job.
Asset A useful or valuable thing or person His ability to communicate well is a great asset.
Aroma A distinctive, typically pleasant smell The aroma of fresh coffee filled the kitchen.
Angle The space (usually measured in degrees) between two intersecting lines or surfaces at or close to the point where they meet Measure the angle with a protractor.
Agile Able to move quickly and easily The agile cat jumped over the fence.
Annex Add as an extra or subordinate part, especially to a document The document had an annex with extra terms.
Alter Change or cause to change in character or composition Plans to alter the building have been approved.
Amuse Provide interesting and enjoyable occupation for someone The comedian knew exactly how to amuse his audience.

Positive Words That Start with A

Positive words can uplift and inspire, providing motivation and encouragement. Here is a list of positive words beginning with “A”.

Table: Positive Words Starting with A
Word Definition Usage in Sentence
Amazing Causing great surprise or wonder; astonishing The view from the hill was simply amazing.
Awesome Extremely good or excellent The performance was truly awesome.
Affirmed Stated as a fact; asserted positively Her abilities were affirmed by her mentor.
Achieve Successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective, level, or result) by effort, skill, or courage He hopes to achieve his goal this year.
Admirable Deserving respect or approval Her dedication to her family is admirable.
Amiable Having or displaying a friendly and pleasant manner He is known for his amiable nature.
Aptitude A natural ability to do something She has an aptitude for languages.
Abundant Existing or available in large quantities; plentiful Wildflowers were abundant in the meadow.
Assured Confident; guaranteed to happen Victory is far from assured in this competition.
Affable Friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to His affable manner made him popular.

Descriptive Words That Start with A

Descriptive words help to paint a picture and provide more detailed insights. Here are some descriptive words that start with “A”.

Table: Descriptive Words Starting with A
Word Definition Usage in Sentence
Angular Having angles or sharp corners The building had a unique, angular design.
Arid Having little or no rain; too dry or barren The desert is an arid place.
Acute Present or experienced to a severe or intense degree She felt acute pain in her arm.
Aloof Not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant He seemed aloof during the meeting.
Aged Having lived for a long time; no longer young The aged cheese has a complex flavor.
Adroit Clever or skillful in using the hands or mind He was adroit at handling negotiations.
Awkward Causing difficulty; hard to deal with Handling the delicate situation was awkward.
Adept Very skilled or proficient at something She is adept in martial arts.
Ample Enough or more than enough; plentiful There is ample evidence to support the theory.
Animated Full of life or excitement; lively His animated storytelling captivated the children.

Nice Words That Start with A

Nice words can be soothing, kind, and pleasant to hear. They add a warm tone to any conversation. Here’s a selection of nice words that begin with “A”.

Table: Nice Words Starting with A
Word Definition Usage in Sentence
Adore Love and respect deeply She adores her grandfather.
Appreciate Recognize the full worth of I really appreciate your help.
Affection A gentle feeling of fondness or liking He showed great affection towards his pets.
Amenity A desirable or useful feature or facility of a building or place The hotel offered many amenities.
Altruism The belief in or practice of disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others His altruism made him a respected figure in the community.
Agreeable Enjoyable and pleasurable; pleasant It was an agreeable evening with friends.
Amicable Having a spirit of friendliness; without serious disagreement They reached an amicable agreement.
Angelic Resembling an angel in being very innocent or beautiful The child’s angelic face melted her heart.
Assent The expression of approval or agreement His nod was an assent to the proposal.
Abiding Lasting a long time; enduring She has an abiding love for classical music.

Cool Words That Start with A

Cool words often capture attention with their unique sound or meaning. Here are some “cool” words that start with “A”.

Table: Cool Words Starting with A
Word Definition Usage in Sentence
Azure Bright blue in color like a cloudless sky The sky was a perfect azure.
Ascendancy Occupation of a position of dominant power or influence The company has gained ascendancy in the market.
Acumen The ability to make good judgments and quick decisions She has considerable business acumen.
Alchemy A seemingly magical process of transformation, creation, or combination He practiced photography with the precision of alchemy.
Anomaly Something that deviates from what is standard, normal, or expected The anomaly in the data was puzzling.
Avant-garde New and unusual or experimental ideas, especially in the arts His art style is considered avant-garde.
Apex The top or highest part of something, especially one forming a point The mountain’s apex was daunting yet beautiful.
Audacity The willingness to take bold risks Her audacity in business is admired by many.
Axiom A statement or proposition that is regarded as being established, accepted, or self-evidently true The axioms of geometry are not assumptions.
Aurora A natural electrical phenomenon characterized by the appearance of streamers of reddish or greenish light in the sky We watched the aurora from the cabin.

Names of Animals, Plants, Places, and Things That Start with the Letter A

Exploring names starting with “A” across different categories offers a look at the diversity of language.

Table: Names of Animals, Plants, Places, and Things That Start with A
Category Name Description
Animal Armadillo A small American mammal with a leathery armor shell
Plant Azalea A colorful flowering shrub
Place Australia A country and continent surrounded by the Indian and Pacific oceans
Thing Atom The smallest component of an element having the chemical properties of the element
Animal Albatross A large sea bird with exceptionally long wingspan
Plant Aloe Vera A succulent plant often used in medicine and cosmetics
Place Alps Europe’s highest and most extensive mountain range, which stretches across eight Alpine countries
Thing Amulet An ornament or small piece of jewelry thought to give protection against evil, danger, or disease
Animal Antelope A swift-running deer-like mammal with smooth hair and upward-pointing horns
Plant Acacia A tree or shrub of warm climates that bears spikes or clusters of yellow or white flowers


Good Words That Start with A

Good words carry a positive connotation and often bring light and positivity to a conversation. Here’s a selection of good words that begin with “A”.

Table: Good Words Starting with A
Word Definition Usage in Sentence
Appreciate Recognize the full worth of something We appreciate your quick response.
Amenable Open and responsive to suggestion; easily persuaded or controlled He was amenable to the changes suggested.
Assiduous Showing great care and perseverance Her assiduous efforts paid off in her final grades.
Authentic Of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine The document was confirmed as authentic.
Altruistic Showing a disinterested and selfless concern for the well-being of others; unselfish His altruistic nature is admired by his peers.
Affectionate Readily feeling or showing fondness or tenderness The affectionate puppy wagged its tail.
Astute Having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one’s advantage She made some astute investments.
Accommodating Fitting in with someone’s wishes or demands in a helpful way The host was very accommodating to their needs.
Adept Very skilled or proficient at something He is adept at solving complex problems.
Admirable Deserving respect or approval Her courage in the face of adversity is admirable.


Motivational Words That Start with A

Motivational words inspire and energize people to take action, pursue goals, and believe in themselves. Here is a selection of motivational words starting with “A”.

Table: Motivational Words Starting with A
Word Definition Usage in Sentence
Aspire Direct one’s hopes or ambitions toward achieving something Always aspire to excel in whatever you do.
Achieve Successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective, level, or result) by effort, skill, or courage You can achieve anything if you put your mind to it.
Advance Move forwards in a purposeful way Advance towards your goals with confidence.
Ascend Go up or climb Ascend beyond your limitations.
Assert State a fact or belief confidently and forcefully Assert yourself in meetings to have your ideas heard.
Amplify Increase the volume of (sound), especially using an amplifier Amplify your efforts to see greater results.
Advocate Publicly recommend or support Advocate for your rights and beliefs.
Activate Make (something) active or operative Activate your network to gain more opportunities.
Acclaim Praise enthusiastically and publicly His work was acclaimed by critics worldwide.
Augment Make (something) greater by adding to it; increase Augment your skills with continuous learning.

Baby Names That Start with A (Boys and Girls)

Choosing a baby name is a significant decision for parents. Here are popular and unique baby names starting with “A” for boys and girls.

Table: Baby Names Starting with A
Gender Name Meaning
Boy Aiden “Little fire”
Girl Amelia “Industriousness” or “striving”
Boy Alexander “Defender of the people”
Girl Ava “Bird”, “life”, or “living one”
Boy Asher “Happy” or “blessed”
Girl Aurora “Dawn”
Boy Aaron “High mountain” or “exalted”
Girl Anastasia “Resurrection” or “rebirth”
Boy Axel “Father of peace”
Girl Alice “Noble”

Inspirational Words That Start with A

Inspirational words can uplift and provide a sense of hope and motivation. Here’s a selection of inspirational words that begin with “A”.

Table: Inspirational Words Starting with A
Word Definition Usage in Sentence
Aspiration A hope or ambition of achieving something He held onto his aspiration to become a doctor.
Awaken Emerge or cause to emerge from sleep; stop sleeping Awaken your inner strength.
Amplify Increase the volume of (sound), especially using an amplifier Amplify the positive vibes in your life.
Advocate Publicly recommend or support Advocate for change in your community.
Ascend Go up or climb Ascend to new heights of personal development.
Altruism The belief in or practice of selfless concern for the well-being of others Altruism leads to a fulfilled life.
Achieve Successfully bring about or reach (a desired objective, level, or result) You can achieve remarkable things with effort.
Affinity A spontaneous or natural liking or sympathy for someone or something Develop an affinity for lifelong learning.
Articulate Having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently Be articulate in expressing your ideas.
Adventure An unusual and exciting or daring experience Embrace every adventure that comes your way.

Short Words That Start with A

Short words are often impactful and easy to remember. Here’s a list of short words beginning with “A”.

Table: Short Words Starting with A
Word Definition Usage in Sentence
Ax A tool typically used for chopping wood He used an ax to split the logs.
Ask Make a request or seek an answer from someone Don’t hesitate to ask for help.
Ace A person who excels at a particular sport or other activity She’s an ace at tennis.
Aid To help or assist Aid those in need whenever you can.
Awe A feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder The grand canyon filled him with awe.

Action Words That Start with A

Action words energize and encourage dynamic activity. Here’s a list of action words that start with “A”.

Table: Action Words Starting with A
Word Definition Usage in Sentence
Act Take action; do something Act now to secure your future.
Accelerate Begin to move more quickly Accelerate your efforts to meet the deadline.
Ascertain Find (something) out for certain; make sure of Ascertain the facts before making a decision.
Allocate Distribute (resources or duties) for a particular purpose Allocate resources wisely.
Announce Make a public and typically formal declaration about a fact, occurrence, or intention Announce the winner of the contest.
Adapt Make (something) suitable for a new use or purpose Adapt your methods to the new regulations.
Advocate Publicly recommend or support Advocate for your rights.
Assess Evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of Assess the situation before taking action.
Address Speak to (a person or an assembly) Address the audience with confidence.
Affirm State as a fact; assert strongly and publicly Affirm your commitment to the project.

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300 Words Starting with A

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Abandon Abate Abbey Abbreviate
Abdomen Abduct Aberrant Abet
Abhor Abide Ability Abject
Ablaze Able Aboard Abode
Abolish Abort Abrasive Abrupt
Abscond Absence Absolute Absorb
Abstain Abstract Absurd Abundance
Abundant Abuse Academic Accelerate
Accent Accept Access Accident
Acclaim Accompany Accord Account
Accrue Accurate Accuse Achieve
Acidic Acknowledge Acoustic Acquire
Acquit Acre Acrid Acrobatic
Act Action Active Activist
Activity Actor Actress Actual
Acumen Acute Adage Adamant
Adapt Add Addict Addition
Adequate Adhere Adjacent Adjective
Adjust Administer Admire Admission
Admit Admonish Adolescent Adopt
Adore Adorn Adrift Adroit
Adsorb Adult Advance Advantage
Adventure Adverb Adverse Advocate
Aesthetic Affable Affect Affection
Affidavit Affiliate Affinity Affirm
Affix Affluent Afford Afloat
Afore Afraid After Aftermath
Afternoon Aftershock Again Against
Age Agency Agenda Agent
Aggravate Aggregate Aggress Agile
Aging Agitate Aglow Agnostic
Ago Agonize Agony Agree
Agreement Ahead Aid Ailment
Aim Air Aisle Alarm
Albeit Alcohol Alcove Alert
Algae Algorithm Alias Alibi
Alien Align Alike Alive
Alkali All Allegation Allegory
Allergy Alley Alliance Allocate
Allot Allow Alloy Allude
Allure Ally Almanac Almond
Almost Alone Along Aloof
Aloud Alpha Alphabet Already
Also Alter Alternate Altitude
Altogether Altruism Always Amalgam
Amass Amateur Amazing Ambassador
Ambiance Ambiguity Ambitious Ambulance
Ambush Amend Amenity Amiable
Amid Ammunition Ample Amplify
Amputate Amuse An Anachronism
Analogy Analyze Ancestor Anchor
Ancient And Anecdote Angle
Angry Animal Animate Ankle
Annals Annex Announce Annoy
Annual Anoint Anomaly Anonymous
Answer Ant Ante Anthem
Anthology Anticipate Antique Antiseptic
Antsy Anxious Any Anyway
Anywhere Apart Apartment Apathy
Ape Apex Aphorism Apology
Apparent Appeal Appear Appetite
Applaud Apple Appoint Appraisal
Appreciate Approach Approval Apricot
April Apron Apt Aqua
Aquatic Arable Arbitrary Arbor
Arcade Arcane Arch Archaic
Architect Archive Arctic Ardent
Area Arena Argue Aria
Arid Aristocrat Arithmetic Arm
Armada Armament Armchair Armed
Armor Aromatic Arrange Array
Arrest Arrival Arrive Arrogant
Arrow Arsenal Arson Art
Artery Artful Articulate Artifact

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