Fun & Facts

Things and Words That Start With E: 150+ Examples

E is everywhere! You can eat an egg for breakfast, then exclaim with excitement over an epic movie night. Ever wondered how many cool words (and things!) start with E? Get ready for a fun exploration!

Why Is ‘E’ the Most Used Letter?

Frequency: Statistical analysis across various sources consistently places “E” at the top, making up roughly 12.7% of letters in a typical text. Its closest competitor, “T,” lags behind at around 9%. This dominance isn’t just a slight edge; it’s a significant difference that highlights “E”s prevalence in written English.

Building Block of Common Words: Peek at some of the most frequently used words in English, and you’ll find “E” woven into their very fabric. The most common word, “the,” features “E” prominently. Similarly, a vast number of plurals rely on the “-es” ending, adding another layer to “E”s ubiquity. Pronouns we use constantly, like “he,” “she,” “me,” “we,” and “they,” are also brimming with “E”s.

Master of the Schwa Sound: English has a superstar among vowel sounds – the schwa (/ə/). This short, neutral vowel sound acts as a bridge between consonants, appearing in words like “about” and “taken.” Interestingly, “E” often takes the wheel when representing this sound. While other vowels can handle the schwa too, “E”s versatility makes it a natural fit for this prevalent sound.

Historical Influences: The history of English also plays a role. English borrows heavily from other languages, particularly French. These borrowed words often retained their original spellings, which sometimes included silent “E”s. While these silent “E”s don’t contribute to pronunciation, they still add to the overall count of “E”s in written English.

Things and Words That Start With E

In the below sections, we will take a look at all the words that start with the letter ‘E’. From the shortest to the longest to the simplest to the most complex, we have a range of them coveted.

Shortest To Longest Words Starting With E 

Word Letters Definition
Eh 2 An interjection used to express doubt or request repetition.
Em 2 A unit in typography, expressing the width of a space that is the same as the current font size.
Elf 3 A mythical being of folklore, often depicted with pointed ears and magical powers.
Eat 3 To consume food.
Emit 4 To send out a form of energy such as light or heat.
Exit 4 A way out of a building or space.
Entry 5 The act of entering a place or a part in a written work.
Earth 5 The planet on which we live, third from the Sun.
Extend 6 To increase in length or area.
Educate 7 To provide schooling or knowledge through teaching.

Beginner To Advanced Words Starting With E

Word Complexity Definition
Eat Simple To consume food.
Echo Simple A sound heard again due to the reflection of sound waves.
Edge Moderate The boundary line or the area immediately adjacent to it.
Elaborate Moderate Detailed and complicated in design and planning.
Enhance Moderate To improve the quality, value, or extent of something.
Envision Advanced To imagine as a future possibility; visualize.
Encapsulate Advanced To summarize or condense the essence of something.
Exacerbate Advanced To make a situation worse or more severe.
Extrapolate Difficult To estimate or infer something beyond the known facts.
Excommunicate Difficult To officially exclude someone from participation in the services of the Christian Church.

Nouns That Start With E

Noun Definition
Eagle A large bird of prey noted for its sharp vision and powerful flight.
Echo A sound or series of sounds caused by the reflection of sound waves.
Eclipse An event where one celestial body obscures another.
Edge The outer or furthest point of something.
Editor A person who prepares content for publication.
Element A part or aspect of something abstract.
Elephant A large mammal with a trunk, native to Africa and Asia.
Elevator A platform or compartment housed in a shaft for raising and lowering people or things to different floors.
Emblem A symbolic object used as a distinctive badge of a nation, organization, or family.
Emotion A natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.

Usage Examples:

  • Eagle: The eagle soared above the canyon, scouting for prey.
  • Echo: The echo of her voice filled the empty hall.
  • Eclipse: We watched the solar eclipse with special glasses.
  • Edge: He sat at the edge of the cliff looking down.
  • Editor: The editor decided to omit the last paragraph for clarity.

Verbs That Start With E

Verb Definition
Eat To take into the mouth and swallow for nourishment.
Echo To repeat a sound by the reflection of sound waves.
Edit To prepare written material for publication by correcting or modifying it.
Educate To give intellectual, moral, and social instruction.
Eject To force or throw something out, usually suddenly and forcefully.
Elaborate To develop or present in detail.
Elect To choose someone to hold public office or some other position by voting.
Elevate To raise to a more important or impressive level.
Elicit To evoke or draw out a response, answer, or fact from someone.
Embrace To accept or support a belief, theory, or change willingly and enthusiastically.

Usage Examples:

  • Eat: He eats an apple every day during lunch.
  • Echo: The canyon can echo sounds across a vast distance.
  • Edit: She edited the article late into the night.
  • Educate: They aim to educate the public about healthy eating.
  • Eject: The machine can eject the disk automatically.

Adjectives/Describing Words That Start With E

Adjective Definition
Eager Having or showing keen interest or intense desire.
Early Happening or done before the usual or expected time.
Earnest Resulting from or showing sincere and intense conviction.
Earthy Resembling or suggestive of earth or soil.
Easy Achieved without great effort; presenting few difficulties.
Eerie Strange and frightening.
Effective Successful in producing a desired or intended result.
Efficient Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
Elaborate Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complicated.
Elderly (Of a person) old or aging.

Usage Examples:

  • Eager: She was eager to start her new job.
  • Early: He arrived early at the station.
  • Earnest: Her earnest efforts were finally recognized.
  • Earthy: The pottery had an earthy texture.
  • Easy: He found the puzzle easy to solve.

Essential ‘E’ Words In Everyday Use

This section focuses on ‘E’ words across different lengths, showcasing how they can be used in various contexts. From succinct 2-letter words to expansive 5-letter terms, each category will be represented in a detailed table to enhance your practical and conversational vocabulary.

2-Letter Words That Start With E

Word Definition
Ed Abbreviation for education.
Eh An interjection used to express a question or request repetition.
El An informal abbreviation for elevated railway.
Em A typographic unit equal to the point size of the font.
En A typographic unit half the width of an em.
Er Used to express hesitation.
Es A musical note in the scale, equivalent to ‘E’ in English.
Et An abbreviation used in many languages for ‘and’.
Eu Abbreviation often used in scientific terms to denote Europe or European.
Ex Prefix meaning former, out of, or from.

Usage Examples:

  • Ed: He’s studying for his Ed.D in Educational Leadership.
  • Eh: “Eh, could you say that again?”
  • El: We took the El downtown.
  • Em: The book was set in 12 point font, making each em 12 points wide.
  • Er: “Er, I’m not sure that’s right.”

3-Letter Words That Start With E

Word Definition
Ear The organ of hearing and balance in humans.
Eat To take food into the body through the mouth.
Ebb The movement of tide out to sea.
Eco Prefix relating to ecology or the environment.
Edh A letter used in Old English and Icelandic.
Eel A long, thin, snake-like fish.
Egg An oval or round object laid by a female bird, reptile, fish, or invertebrate.
Ego A person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance.
Eke To manage to support oneself or make a living with difficulty.
Elf A supernatural creature of folk tales, typically pointed ears and magical powers.

Usage Examples:

  • Ear: She whispered in his ear.
  • Eat: They eat dinner at six.
  • Ebb: The tide began to ebb.
  • Eco: She studied eco-friendly farming techniques.
  • Eel: He caught an eel during the fishing trip.

4-Letter Words That Start With E

Word Definition
Each Every one of two or more people or things, regarded and identified separately.
Earn To receive money as payment for work.
Ease Absence of difficulty or effort.
East The direction toward the point of the horizon where the sun rises.
Echo A sound or sounds caused by the reflection of sound waves.
Edge The outside limit of an object, area, or surface.
Edit To prepare written material for publication by correcting, condensing, or modifying it.
Eery Strange and frightening.
Egal Derived from egalitarian, pertaining to or believing in the principle that all people are equal.
Exit A way out of a building, room, or vehicle.

Usage Examples:

  • Each: Each student had a different answer.
  • Earn: She earns a good salary.
  • Ease: He passed the exam with ease.
  • East: The sun rises in the east.
  • Echo: The echo of his shout could be heard across the canyon.

5-Letter Words That Start With E

Word Definition
Earth The planet on which we live.
Easel A wooden frame for holding an artist’s work while painting.
Eaten Past participle of eat, used to describe having consumed food.
Eerie Strange and frightening, especially in a way that suggests supernatural influence.
Elate To make (someone) ecstatically happy.
Elder A person of greater age than someone specified.
Elect To choose (someone) to hold public office or some other position by voting.
Elope To run away secretly in order to get married.
Ember A small piece of burning or glowing coal or wood in a dying fire.
Empty Containing nothing; not filled or occupied.

Usage Examples:

  • Earth: We must protect the Earth’s environment.
  • Easel: She set her canvas on the easel.
  • Eaten: The cake was already eaten by the time we arrived.
  • Eerie: The empty house on the hill looked eerie at night.
  • Elate: His praise elated her spirits.

Positive Words That Start With E

Word Definition
Earnest Showing sincere and intense conviction.
Ease Freedom from difficulty or effort.
Ecstasy An overwhelming feeling of great happiness or joyful excitement.
Edify Instruct or improve (someone) morally or intellectually.
Effuse To pour out (a liquid, light, smell, etc.).
Elated Make (someone) ecstatically happy.
Elegy A poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.
Embrace Accept or support (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically.
Enable Give (someone) the authority or means to do something.
Enrich Improve or enhance the quality or value of.

Usage Examples:

  • Earnest: His request was in earnest.
  • Ease: She completed the task with ease.
  • Ecstasy: Winning the award filled him with ecstasy.
  • Edify: Great literature edifies as well as entertains.
  • Effuse: The jar began to effuse a sweet scent.

Descriptive Words That Start With E

Word Definition
Earnest Characterized by or proceeding from an intense and serious state of mind.
Earthy Resembling or suggestive of earth or soil; grounded.
Edible Fit to be eaten (often used to contrast with unpalatable or poisonous varieties).
Eerie Inspiring inexplicable fear, dread, or uneasiness; strange and frightening.
Elastic Able to resume its normal shape spontaneously after contraction, dilatation, or distortion.

Usage Examples:

  • Earnest: Her earnest demeanor assured us she was telling the truth.
  • Earthy: He loved the earthy smell of the forest after rain.
  • Edible: Not all mushrooms are edible; some are toxic.
  • Eerie: The silence in the foggy forest was eerie.
  • Elastic: The band is elastic enough to stretch over the package.

Nice Words That Start With E

Word Definition
Eager Showing keen interest, enthusiasm, or desire.
Earnest Serious in intention, purpose, or effort.
Easygoing Relaxed and tolerant in approach or manner.
Eclectic Deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.
Ecstatic Feeling or expressing overwhelming happiness or joyful excitement.
Edifying Providing moral or intellectual instruction.
Effective Successful in producing a desired or intended result.
Effluent Flowing out or forth.
Elaborate Involving many carefully arranged parts or details; detailed and complex.
Eloquent Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.

Usage Examples:

  • Eager: He was eager to see the new exhibit at the museum.
  • Earnest: She gave him an earnest look that conveyed her truthfulness.
  • Easygoing: His easygoing nature made him popular among his peers.
  • Eclectic: Her decorating style is eclectic but tasteful.
  • Ecstatic: She was ecstatic when she found out she had won the lottery.

Cool Words That Start With E

Word Definition
Effervesce To give off bubbles; fizz.
Elixir A magical or medicinal potion.
Embark Begin a course of action, especially one that is important or demanding.
Emblazon To adorn richly with prominent markings.
Empower Give (someone) the authority or power to do something.
Enchant Fill (someone) with great delight; charm.
Endeavor Try hard to do or achieve something.
Engage Occupy, attract, or involve (someone’s interest or attention).
Enhance Intensify, increase, or further improve the quality, value, or extent of.
Enthrall Capture the fascinated attention of.

Usage Examples:

  • Effervesce: The soda began to effervesce as soon as she dropped in the tablet.
  • Elixir: He searched for the mythical elixir supposed to grant eternal life.
  • Embark: We are about to embark on a new phase of our lives.
  • Emblazon: The warrior’s shield was emblazoned with his family crest.
  • Empower: The new role at work really empowered her to demonstrate her skills.

Names Of Animals, Plants, Places, And Things That Start With E

Category Name Definition or Context
Animals Elephant A large mammal with a trunk, known for its intelligence.
Plants Elm A type of deciduous tree, often used for its strong wood.
Places Ecuador A country in South America known for its rich biodiversity.
Things Easel A stand used to support a painter’s canvas.

Usage Examples:

  • Elephant: The elephant is known for its remarkable memory and social structure.
  • Elm: Many old streets are lined with tall elm trees.
  • Ecuador: Ecuador is famous for the Galápagos Islands.
  • Easel: The artist set up her easel in the park to paint the sunset.

Motivational Words That Start With E

Word Definition
Empower To give someone the authority or means to do something.
Endure To suffer patiently; to withstand hardships.
Engage To participate or become involved in.
Enhance To improve the quality, amount, or strength of something.
Envision To imagine something as a future possibility.
Excel To be exceptionally good at or proficient in an activity.
Encourage To give support, confidence, or hope to someone.
Enlighten To give someone greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation.
Enrich To improve or enhance the quality or value of something.
Evolve To develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form.

Usage Examples:

  • Empower: The training sessions empower employees to take on bigger projects.
  • Endure: She endured many challenges on her way to success.
  • Engage: He engages actively in community services.
  • Enhance: Regular practice can enhance your skills.
  • Envision: She envisions a world where peace prevails.

Inspirational Words That Start With E

Word Definition
Elevation The action or fact of elevating or being elevated.
Eminence The state of being famous, respected, or important.
Empathy The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.
Endeavor An attempt to achieve a goal.
Endless Having or seeming to have no end or limit.
Enlighten To inform or give new insight.
Epitome A person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type.
Equanimity Mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper.
Eternal Lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning.
Exalt To hold (someone or something) in very high regard; think or speak very highly of.

Usage Examples:

  • Elevation: His elevation to the position of Director was announced yesterday.
  • Eminence: She reached the eminence in her field through hard work.
  • Empathy: Demonstrating empathy towards colleagues can create a supportive workplace.
  • Endeavor: Every new endeavor is a chance to learn.
  • Endless: The possibilities for innovation are endless.

Let me know if this setup works for you or if there are any additional details you’d like to add as we proceed to the final sections of our exploration of ‘E’ words!

Baby Names That Start with E (Boy and Girls)

Name Gender Definition or Context
Ethan Boy A popular name meaning strong, firm.
Emily Girl A classic name meaning industrious or striving.
Elijah Boy A Hebrew name meaning ‘Yahweh is God’.
Emma Girl A name meaning universal or whole.
Evan Boy A Welsh name meaning “the Lord is gracious”.
Eve Girl A name derived from the Hebrew for “life” or “living one”.
Edward Boy A traditional name meaning wealthy guardian.
Eliza Girl A name meaning joyful; derived from Elizabeth.
Elliot Boy A name meaning ‘Jehovah is God’, has English and Hebrew origins.
Erin Girl An Irish name meaning ‘from the island to the west’.

Usage Examples:

  • Ethan: Ethan was one of the top names last year.
  • Emily: Emily is a common choice for its classic charm.
  • Elijah: Elijah has biblical origins and is popular in many countries.
  • Emma: Emma is favored for its simplicity and elegance.
  • Evan: Evan’s popularity has been rising due to its strong yet gentle sound.

Action Words That Start With E

Word Definition
Establish To set up or lay the groundwork for something.
Educate To teach someone, especially in a school or college.
Examine To inspect something thoroughly to determine its condition.
Enhance To improve the quality, value, or extent of something.
Enforce To compel observance of or obedience to a law, rule, or obligation.
Engineer To design and build something using scientific principles.
Entertain To provide (someone) with amusement or enjoyment.
Evolve To develop gradually, especially from a simple to a more complex form.
Exert To apply or bring to bear (a force, influence, or quality).
Exemplify To be a typical example of something.

Usage Examples:

  • Establish: We need to establish a new protocol.
  • Educate: She aims to educate others about environmental issues.
  • Examine: Doctors will examine the patient tomorrow.
  • Enhance: We plan to enhance our software with new features.
  • Enforce: The police enforce traffic laws to ensure safety.

List Of 200 Words Starting With E

Word Word Word
Earn Ebb Eclectic
Eclipse Ecology Economic
Edible Edit Educate
Effect Efficient Effort
Eject Elaborate Elastic
Elated Elder Elect
Election Electric Elegance
Elemental Elephant Elevate
Elicit Eligible Elite
Eloquent Else Elucidate
Emancipate Embargo Embark
Embed Emblem Embody
Embrace Emerge Emergency
Emission Emotion Empathy
Emperor Emphasis Empirical
Employ Empower Empty
Emulate Enable Enact
Enamel Encase Enchant
Encircle Enclose Encode
Encounter Encourage Encrypted
End Endanger Endeavor
Endemic Endorse Endow
Endure Energetic Energy
Enforce Engage Engine
Engineer Enhance Enjoy
Enlarge Enlighten Enlist
Enormous Enough Enquire
Enrage Enrich Enroll
Ensure Entail Enter
Entertain Enthrall Enthusiast
Entire Entity Entomology
Entrust Entry Enumerate
Envelope Environment Envision
Enzyme Ephemeral Epic
Epidemic Epilogue Episode
Epitome Epoch Equal
Equate Equation Equator
Equinox Equipment Equity
Equivalent Era Eradicate
Erase Erect Erosion
Erotic Err Erratic
Error Erupt Escalate
Escape Escort Especially
Essay Essence Essential
Establish Estate Esteem
Estimate Eternal Ethanol
Ethics Ethnic Ethos
Etiquette Eucalyptus Eulogy
Euphoria Europe Evacuate
Evaluate Evaporate Evasion
Event Eventually Evergreen
Evident Evil Evoke
Evolve Exact Exaggerate
Examine Example Exasperate
Excavate Exceed Excel
Except Exception Excerpt
Excess Exchange Excite
Exclude Exclusive Excrete
Excursion Excuse Execute
Exemplary Exempt Exercise
Exhaust Exhibit Exhilarate
Exile Exist Exit
Exotic Expand Expanse
Expect Expedite Expense
Expert Expire Explain
Explicit Explode Explore
Explosion Export Expose
Exposure Express Extend
Extent External Extinct
Extra Extract Extravagant
Extreme Exuberant Eye

Frequently Asked Questions 

What is an easy way to enhance vocabulary daily?

Reading varied material daily and using a vocabulary app can systematically enhance your vocabulary.

How effective is writing in learning new words?

Writing regularly using new words reinforces memory and understanding, making it highly effective.

Can playing word games improve language skills?

Yes, word games are fun and effective for improving both vocabulary and cognitive abilities.

What strategies help in retaining new vocabulary?

Using words in different contexts and repeated exposure are key strategies for retention.

How often should one review new vocabulary to remember it?

Reviewing new vocabulary once after learning, then a few days later, and periodically can significantly aid retention.

Do visual aids help in learning new words?

Visual aids like flashcards can be powerful tools for visual learners to memorize vocabulary.

Is there a benefit to learning words with similar meanings together?

Learning synonyms together can help understand subtle nuances between words, enhancing language mastery.

How can parents encourage vocabulary growth in children?

Reading together, conversing regularly, and playing educational games can significantly boost vocabulary growth in children.

What role does listening play in vocabulary acquisition?

Active listening to conversations, lectures, and media can expose one to new vocabulary and proper usage.

Are there specific books to help with vocabulary expansion?

Yes, many books and workbooks are specifically designed for vocabulary expansion at various educational levels.

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